About me

I’m Zebra Rose. I write saucy kinky stuff because it’s fun as well as teaching me to explore and learn about my sexuality.

I’m Zebra Rose (she/her). I write saucy kinky stuff because it’s fun as well as teaching me to explore and learn about my sexuality. Also, I love to write. Occasionally I may also take a half-decent picture too.

I’m a cis woman who is an omnisexual submissive painslut with a love of bondage.

I am not YOUR submissive painslut, so please don’t assume that because I write about my exploits online, that I’d get sexy/kinky with just anyone. I’m not available, I’m not looking, I’m not interested. Any unsolicited advances will be blackholed with extreme prejudice.

This site is a hobby for me, I don’t monetise it and I don’t intend to. No pitches from commercial organisations please.

If you’d like to chuck some appreciation my way, I do have a wish list at The Knicker Fairy….


I’m elsewhere on the net as:

Twitter: @ZebraRoseSub

Mastodon: @zebrarose@kinkyelephant.com

Reviews: https://blog.latexleatherandlace.co.uk/author/zebrarosesub/

Guest post for Girl on the Net: Me, Myself and I