Taking some stick

This week’s entry in the catalogue of EDS woes is my hip. I’ve fucked it up somehow (and sadly; not through enthusiastic bonking). To help me get around, I gave in and got myself a walking stick. Although I’ve had a wheelchair for occasional use for several years, something in me had always balked at using a stick. Something in my mind was telling me it’s just not sexy. Which of course, is bullshit ableist conditioning. And so, I am determined to make my stick-wielding as sexy as I can – first stop; naughty selfies.

Head-down colour pic of zebra stick laid along my body

B&W photo of me holding zebra-print walking stick between my teethB&W downwards perspective of zebra stick across my throat

Sinful Sunday

17 thoughts on “Taking some stick

  1. You are off to a very good, supremely sexy start. What a magnificent stick! I think my favourite of these pictures is the last – you have an exquisite lower face (!) and the angle gazing down onto your bountiful breasts is perfect.


    1. I’m trying not to tear up reading your kind words – thank you! A much-needed confidence boost 😘😘😘

  2. These are super sexy <3 <3 I really hope the comments you receive show you how sexy your stick can be <3 I hope it helps you move around easier x

  3. All these images are fabulous – I agree that the last one is my favourite. Such smooth beautiful skin and the contrast of your stick is great.
    I love them.
    Missy x

  4. Firstly, yes, that stick is really hot. Mainly cos you’re in the pictures, but loving how you have used the stick to enhance that.

    Secondly, is it bad that the first thing I wondered was whether or not you could have someone use the stick as a hitty thing for fun? Surely there’d be something very sexy about walking down the street with the very implement of your kink out on display.

    Finally, why is it not zebra striped? With a rose decor on the handle. That would just make it perfection.

    1. Thank you! It was as close to zebra as I could find, but I’ll be on the lookout for a stripier one. It’s a bit too heavy for hitting, and I don’t want to break it!

  5. I think you have definitely mastered the sexy walking stick look and surely it has alternative uses… I wonder what kind of bruises it leaves


  6. Hey, you think they aren’t sexy? Please just think of House! He made walking sticks sexy as hell. Sore hips are a bitch and there is no real way you can just sit a differently way to make it better. I am 40 years old and I have had both knees replaced. Now they are fixed my damned hips are sore. My heart goes out to you. But damn girl those pictures are sexy as hell. <3 <3 <3

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