Cold hands, warm heart

Gloves are fun, quick, easy knits. My hands suffer worst in cold wet weather as the joints are very damaged, so I have a big collection of gloves to keep them cosy. These are a favourite pair – this badass red sparkly yarn keeps me warm and feeling sexy!

Sinful Sunday

15 thoughts on “Cold hands, warm heart

  1. Oh I love this image. For lots of reasons. First of all you look super sexy! But also I really suffer with cold hands and sore joints, mostly my fingers tbh, so I live in gloves during the cold months and I am inspired by how sexy you’ve made yours look 🙂

  2. Did you make them yourself? I am super of envious of anyone who can knit as it is skill I never learned


    1. I did, yes. Knitting is much easier than it looks – I learned from books and YouTube videos. Fingerless gloves are a good beginner project as they are easy and quick to do.

  3. This is a fun image because the contrast between warm and practical and stripped back and sexy is playful. x

  4. I bloody love knitted stuff, I personally think they are very unrated as they are super sexy and your image is the perfect example of that! <3 x

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