Tell me
Tell me you want me. Tell me how you want me, and when, and where. Make it graphic, filthy, commanding – (and if you’re telling me in writing, please use apostrophes and correct verb conjugation).
More than pictures, more than sound, I love to read filth. I especially love to read well-written filth. Most of all, I adore well-written filth that’s directed specifically at me.
Top of the list of things that really turn me on is sexting. Not “u want cock?”-type teen/txtspk but literate descriptions of the things you’d like us to be doing right now, the positions you’re going to have me in next time we meet, or – best of all – a set of kinky instructions with an outline of the punishment I’ll receive if I don’t follow them. The absolute hottest thing you can say to me in a text is something along the lines of “when you get to my place, take off your clothes and kneel by the door with your eyes closed. No peeking“.
Second place is in the vicinity of “tonight, I’m going to spank you until you beg me to fuck you“. Impact and denial, mmmm.
I can even overlook the occasional typo if the conversation gets steamy enough.
You can send pictures if you like. I do like to drool over a consensual dick pic, in fact I’ll probably stare at it while frigging myself raw with something of similar dimensions from the toy cupboard. But just the pic on its own…..nah. There needs to be a narrative to go with it. Give me context to clench myself around.
I’ll send you pictures too. In fact, if you request (or better yet; demand) a certain pose or view, I’ll run to the nearest private space to rip off my clothes and give you the best angle I can find. All I ask is please; tell me all about your response when it arrives. If it makes you hard in the middle of a boring management meeting, tell me. If it gives you ideas for our next play session, definitely tell me.
Touch yourself and send me a picture of your fingers. I want to see how wet you are
Instantly guaranteed to make me wetter than a monsoon.
I want to watch you lick my cock clean after I’ve fucked you
Yes, that’s it. Tell me what you want. What you imagine. Tell me what you’re thinking and feeling. I don’t need to hear about me, I know about me – what I really need is to hear about you. Give me a window into your lust so I can peek into your darkest corners and enjoy the view.
I want to spread your legs and push my tongue deep inside you
Of course, when I am right there with you, I can watch your expression when you speak your threats and orders in the husky tones of arousal. I can see your eyes darken as I undress and touch your hardening cock for myself. The evidence is right there in front of me, no written narrative is needed. But sadly I don’t get to be present in person often enough for these precious moments to satisfy my ragingly lustful nature.
So, sext me maybe?
I love the sound of this Wicked post.